Our Misión is bring togheter}
history of Colima

Colimas’s name comes from the Nahuatl Acolman that means “place were the water bends” or “place were the river bends”. Colimas territory is almost three-quaters of the surface is covered by mountains and hilss, it’s inside of a deribation from la :sierra Madre del Sur” which is composed from 4 Mountains Systems
More from Colima
The State of Colima is located in the central region of the Mexican Republic on the west coast that limits with the Pacific Ocean.

Volcano of Colima
¨El Nevado de Colima¨is the most famous volcano of the region, as our family origins are from this state, we wanted it to be part of our emblem.

Colima´s Vision
We want to be number one option for your choice of breakfast, lunch or dinner, creating welcoming flavors and service for our community, together with our other location “El Patron” Mexican food at Mira Mesa Boulevard.
What They Say